Sunday, November 29, 2015

Mason Jar Crafting for Christmas

When I saw these mini mason jars with pretty green chalkboard lids in the dollar bin at Target I knew I wanted to find a way to use them for Christmas.

So after buying as many as I could get my hands on....13 in total from four different Target stores (yup they sold out fast!!) I decided to use them as gifts for my Christmas guests,which will also serve as their dinner seating place markers.

And the funny thing is, including me....13 is the exact number of people I'll be having for dinner!

So then on to my favorite craft stores....

At Michaels' I bought garland ~

 At A.C. Moore I bought mini ornaments ~

At JoAnn's Fabrics and Crafts I bought faux snow ~

and came up with these cuties...

(I glued an ornament to the bottom of the jar and poured in about a half inch of faux snow)

(I picked sprigs off of the wreath and hot glued them to the side of the lid)

(and with chalk....wrote the names of my guests)

On a side note....they also had the jars with black lids and I bought as many of those as I could find as well - they're in my craft stash for another day :)